import { ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle, ChannelType, Collection, EmbedBuilder, type GuildMember, type Message, PermissionFlagsBits, type TextChannel, } from "discord.js"; import { Context, Event, type Bot } from "../../structures/index.js"; import prefixData from "../../database/prefix.js"; import noPrefix from "../../database/noPrefix.js"; export default class MessageCreate extends Event { constructor(client: Bot, file: string) { super(client, file, { name: "messageCreate", }); } public async run(message: Message): Promise { if ( || !message.guild || ! return; let prefix: string; let data = await prefixData.findOne({ serverId: }); if (!data) { prefix = this.client.config.prefix; } else { prefix = data.prefix; } const npData = await noPrefix.findOne({ userId: }); let regex = new RegExp(`<@!?${}>`); let pre = message.content.match(regex) ? message.content.match(regex)[0] : prefix; if (!npData) { if (!message.content.startsWith(pre)) return; } let args = !npData ? message.content.slice(pre.length).trim().split(/ +/) : message.content.startsWith(pre) === true ? message.content.slice(pre.length).trim().split(/ +/) : message.content.trim().split(/ +/); const cmd = args.shift()?.toLowerCase(); const command = this.client.commands.get(cmd) || this.client.commands.get(this.client.aliases.get(cmd) as string); if (!command) return; const ctx = new Context(message, args); ctx.setArgs(args); let dm =; if (typeof dm === "undefined") dm = await; if ( !message.inGuild() || ! .permissionsFor( .has(PermissionFlagsBits.ViewChannel) ) return; if ( ! PermissionFlagsBits.SendMessages ) ) return await .send({ content: `I don't have **\`SendMessage\`** permission in \`${}\`\nchannel: <#${message.channelId}>`, }) .catch(() => {}); if ( ! ) return await message.reply({ content: "I don't have **`EmbedLinks`** permission.", }); if (command.permissions) { if (command.permissions.client) { if ( ! ) return await message.reply({ content: "I don't have enough permissions to execute this command.", }); } if (command.permissions.user) { if (!message.member.permissions.has(command.permissions.user)) return await message.reply({ content: "You don't have enough permissions to use this command.", }); } if ( { if (this.client.config.owners) { const findDev = this.client.config.owners.find( (x) => x === ); if (!findDev) return; } } } if (command.args) { if (!args.length) { const embed = this.client .embed() .setColor( .setTitle("Missing Arguments") .setDescription( `Please provide the required arguments for the \`${ }\` command.\n\nExamples:\n${ command.description.examples ? command.description.examples.join("\n") : "None" }` ) .setFooter({ text: "Syntax: [] = optional, <> = required" }); return await message.reply({ embeds: [embed] }); } } if (!this.client.cooldown.has(cmd)) { this.client.cooldown.set(cmd, new Collection()); } const now =; const timestamps = this.client.cooldown.get(cmd); const cooldownAmount = Math.floor(command.cooldown || 5) * 1000; if (!timestamps.has( { timestamps.set(, now); setTimeout(() => timestamps.delete(, cooldownAmount); } else { const expirationTime = timestamps.get( + cooldownAmount; const timeLeft = (expirationTime - now) / 1000; if (now < expirationTime && timeLeft > 0.9) { return await message.reply({ content: `Please wait ${timeLeft.toFixed( 1 )} more second(s) before reusing the \`${cmd}\` command.`, }); } timestamps.set(, now); setTimeout(() => timestamps.delete(, cooldownAmount); } if (args.includes("@everyone") || args.includes("@here")) return await message.reply({ content: "You can't use this command with everyone or here.", }); try { return, ctx, ctx.args); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } }