# ADMIN PANEL - CREATED BY LIMIT # DISCORD | limitboyz#0084 # # DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING IN THIS FILE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING # # TO LET ANYONE USE THIS PANEL THEY MUST HAVE THE PERMISSION admin.controlpanel OR ARE A OPPED ON THE SERVER # # JOIN THE SUPPORT SERVER FOR HELP | https://discord.gg/bwVWNs7MNg # # TO LOAD THIS FILE PUT THIS INTO YOUR CONFIG.YML IN THE DELUXE MENU FOLDER # # adminpanel: # file: adminpanel.yml # # DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING IN THIS FILE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING open_command: - admincp - admincontrolpanel - restart - shutdown - reload register_command: true size: 54 menu_title: '&8&l&m----&8&l{ &c&lADMIN PANEL &8&l&8&l}&8&l&m----' open_requirement: minimum_requirements: 1 stop_at_success: true requirements: perms: type: has permission permission: admin.controlpanel optional: true items: # (+) Fillers for the top & bottom empty spots in the GUI 'Fillers': material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slots: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 18 - 27 - 36 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 50 - 51 - 52 - 53 - 35 - 26 - 17 display_name: " " # (+) Close 'Close': material: BARRIER slot: 49 display_name: "&c&lClose" left_click_commands: - '[close]' right_click_commands: - '[close]' # Whitelist add 'WhitelistAdd': material: LIME_CONCRETE slot: 20 display_name: "&a&lAdd Whitelist" lore: - ' ' - '&fWhitelist a player on your server.' - ' ' - '&cClick to whitelist' left_click_commands: - '[player] whitelist add <&r&aType the username you want to whitelist >> >' - '[message] &7&o(Type "cancel" to cancel).' - '[close]' right_click_commands: - '[player] whitelist add <&r&aType the username you want to whitelist >> >' - '[message] &7&o(Type "cancel" to cancel.' - '[close]' # Whitelist remove 'WhitelistRemove': material: RED_CONCRETE slot: 21 display_name: "&c&lRemove Whitelist" lore: - ' ' - '&fRemove a whitelisted player from your server.' - ' ' - '&cClick to remove whitelist.' left_click_commands: - '[player] whitelist remove <&r&cType the username you want to remove from the whitelist >> >' - '[message] &7&o(Type "cancel" to cancel)' - '[close]' right_click_commands: - '[player] whitelist remove <&r&cType the username you want to remove from the whitelist >> >' - '[message] &7&o(Type "cancel" to cancel)' - '[close]' # Whitelist on 'WhitelistOn': material: LIME_CONCRETE slot: 29 display_name: "&a&lEnable Whitelist" lore: - ' ' - '&fWhitelist your server so nobody can join.' - ' ' - '&cClick to enable whitelist.' left_click_commands: - '[console] whitelist on' - '[close]' right_click_commands: - '[console] whitelist on' - '[close]' # Whitelist off 'WhitelistOff': material: RED_CONCRETE slot: 30 display_name: "&c&lDisable Whitelist" lore: - ' ' - '&fTurn off the whitelist so players can join.' - ' ' - '&cClick to remove whitelist.' left_click_commands: - '[console] whitelist off' - '[close]' right_click_commands: - '[console] whitelist off' - '[close]' # 1 Minute Restart 'StandardRestart': material: YELLOW_CONCRETE slot: 23 display_name: "&e&lStandard Restart" lore: - ' ' - '&fBroadcasts a restart warning, then' - '&frestarts in 1 minute.' - ' ' - '&cClick to run' left_click_commands: - '[close]' - '[console] bc &8[&c&l!&r&8] &c&lServer is restarting in 1 minute!' - '[console] restart' right_click_commands: - '[close]' - '[console] bc &8[&c&l!&r&8] &c&lServer is restarting in 1 minute!' - '[console] bc &8[&c&l!&8] &c&lServer is restarting in 5 seconds!' - '[console] bc &8[&c&l!&8] &c&lServer is restarting in 4 seconds!' - '[console] bc &8[&c&l!&8] &c&lServer is restarting in 3 seconds!' - '[console] bc &8[&c&l!&8] &c&lServer is restarting in 2 seconds!' - '[console] bc &8[&c&l!&8] &c&lServer is restarting in 1 seconds!' - '[console] restart' # 1 Minute Matience Restart 'RestartMaintenenance': material: ORANGE_CONCRETE slot: 24 display_name: "&6&lRestart and Maintenance" lore: - ' ' - '&fBroadcasts a maintenance warning, then' - '&frestarts in 1 minute. Server will' - '&fbe whitelisted after to prevent' - '&fplayers from joining.' - ' ' - '&cClick to run' left_click_commands: - '[close]' - '[console] bc &8[&c&l!&r&8] &c&lServer is going down for maintenance in 1 minute!' - '[console] bc &8[&c&l!&8] &c&lServer is going down for maintenance in 5 seconds!' - '[console] bc &8[&c&l!&8] &c&lServer is going down for maintenance in 4 seconds!' - '[console] bc &8[&c&l!&8] &c&lServer is going down for maintenance in 3 seconds!' - '[console] bc &8[&c&l!&8] &c&lServer is going down for maintenance in 2 seconds!' - '[console] bc &8[&c&l!&8] &c&lServer is going down for maintenance in 1 seconds!' - '[console] whitelist on' - '[console] restart' right_click_commands: - '[close]' - '[console] bc &8[&c&l!&r&8] &c&lServer is going down for maintenance in 1 minute!' - '[console] whitelist on' - '[console] restart' # Quick Restart 'QuickRestart': material: RED_CONCRETE slot: 32 display_name: "&c&lQuick Restart" lore: - ' ' - '&fRestart your server with no wait.' - ' ' - '&cClick to run' left_click_commands: - '[console] restart' right_click_commands: - '[console] restart' # Shutdown your server until you manually start your server back up. 'Shutdown': material: TNT slot: 33 display_name: "&4&lShutdown" lore: - ' ' - '&fShutdown your server.' - ' ' - '&cClick to run' left_click_commands: - '[console] shutdown' right_click_commands: - '[console] shutdown'