[2024-01-30 13:00:40.729 -06:00] [INF] Jellyfin version: "10.8.13" [2024-01-30 13:00:40.916 -06:00] [INF] Environment Variables: ["[JELLYFIN_ARGS, $JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT $JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT $JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT $JELLYFIN_SERVICE_OPT $JELLYFIN_NOWEBAPP_OPT $JELLFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS]", "[JELLYFIN_USER, jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_LOG_DIR, /var/log/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_DATA_DIR, /var/lib/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS, ]", "[JELLYFIN_CONFIG_DIR, /etc/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_CACHE_DIR, /var/cache/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT, --ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg]", "[JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT, --webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web]", "[JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT, --restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/restart.sh]"] [2024-01-30 13:00:40.931 -06:00] [INF] Arguments: ["/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/jellyfin.dll", "--webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web", "--restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/restart.sh", "--ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg"] [2024-01-30 13:00:40.936 -06:00] [INF] Operating system: "Linux" [2024-01-30 13:00:40.937 -06:00] [INF] Architecture: Arm64 [2024-01-30 13:00:40.941 -06:00] [INF] 64-Bit Process: True [2024-01-30 13:00:40.942 -06:00] [INF] User Interactive: True [2024-01-30 13:00:40.942 -06:00] [INF] Processor count: 4 [2024-01-30 13:00:40.942 -06:00] [INF] Program data path: "/var/lib/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 13:00:40.943 -06:00] [INF] Web resources path: "/usr/share/jellyfin/web" [2024-01-30 13:00:40.944 -06:00] [INF] Application directory: "/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/" [2024-01-30 13:00:41.014 -06:00] [INF] Marking following migrations as applied because this is a fresh install: ["CreateNetworkConfiguration"] [2024-01-30 13:00:41.427 -06:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 13:00:41.468 -06:00] [INF] Loading assemblies [2024-01-30 13:00:41.834 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : "[,,]" [2024-01-30 13:00:41.835 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : "[]" [2024-01-30 13:00:41.838 -06:00] [INF] Using LAN addresses: "[,,]" [2024-01-30 13:00:41.862 -06:00] [INF] Using bind addresses: "[]" [2024-01-30 13:00:41.863 -06:00] [INF] Using bind exclusions: "[]" [2024-01-30 13:00:48.052 -06:00] [INF] There are pending EFCore migrations in the database. Applying... (This may take a while, do not stop Jellyfin) [2024-01-30 13:00:50.399 -06:00] [INF] EFCore migrations applied successfully [2024-01-30 13:00:52.608 -06:00] [INF] Saving system configuration [2024-01-30 13:00:52.614 -06:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 13:00:52.638 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "TMDb" "" [2024-01-30 13:00:52.644 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "Studio Images" "" [2024-01-30 13:00:52.647 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "OMDb" "" [2024-01-30 13:00:52.648 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "MusicBrainz" "" [2024-01-30 13:00:52.650 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "AudioDB" "" [2024-01-30 13:00:52.887 -06:00] [INF] Marking following migrations as applied because this is a fresh install: ["DisableTranscodingThrottling", "CreateLoggingConfigHeirarchy", "MigrateActivityLogDatabase", "RemoveDuplicateExtras", "MigrateUserDatabase", "MigrateDisplayPreferencesDatabase", "RemoveDownloadImagesInAdvance", "MigrateAuthenticationDatabase"] [2024-01-30 13:00:52.890 -06:00] [INF] Applying migration '"AddDefaultPluginRepository"' [2024-01-30 13:00:52.891 -06:00] [INF] Saving system configuration [2024-01-30 13:00:52.894 -06:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 13:00:52.894 -06:00] [INF] Migration '"AddDefaultPluginRepository"' applied successfully [2024-01-30 13:00:52.936 -06:00] [INF] Applying migration '"ReaddDefaultPluginRepository"' [2024-01-30 13:00:52.937 -06:00] [INF] Migration '"ReaddDefaultPluginRepository"' applied successfully [2024-01-30 13:00:52.939 -06:00] [INF] Applying migration '"AddPeopleQueryIndex"' [2024-01-30 13:00:52.941 -06:00] [INF] Creating index idx_TypedBaseItemsUserDataKeyType [2024-01-30 13:00:53.002 -06:00] [INF] Creating index idx_PeopleNameListOrder [2024-01-30 13:00:53.041 -06:00] [INF] Migration '"AddPeopleQueryIndex"' applied successfully [2024-01-30 13:00:53.072 -06:00] [INF] Kestrel listening on "Any IP4 Address" [2024-01-30 13:00:54.514 -06:00] [WRN] No XML encryptor configured. Key {3a6a5fea-2590-4423-87ea-7eb88503b0b2} may be persisted to storage in unencrypted form. [2024-01-30 13:00:54.616 -06:00] [INF] Running startup tasks [2024-01-30 13:00:54.753 -06:00] [INF] Daily trigger for "Extract Chapter Images" set to fire at 2024-01-31 02:00:00.000 -06:00, which is 12:59:05.2466501 from now. [2024-01-30 13:00:54.903 -06:00] [INF] Found ffmpeg version "5.1.4" [2024-01-30 13:00:55.112 -06:00] [INF] Available "decoders": ["libdav1d", "av1", "h264", "hevc", "mpeg2video", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "vp8", "libvpx", "vp9", "libvpx-vp9", "aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "mp3", "truehd"] [2024-01-30 13:00:55.194 -06:00] [INF] Available "encoders": ["libx264", "h264_v4l2m2m", "libx265", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "libvpx", "libvpx-vp9", "aac", "libfdk_aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "libmp3lame", "libopus", "truehd", "libvorbis", "srt"] [2024-01-30 13:00:55.270 -06:00] [INF] Available filters: ["hwupload_vaapi", "zscale", "alphasrc"] [2024-01-30 13:00:55.338 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "scale_cuda" with option "Output format (default \"same\")" is not available [2024-01-30 13:00:55.411 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "tonemap_cuda" with option "GPU accelerated HDR to SDR tonemapping" is not available [2024-01-30 13:00:55.473 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "tonemap_opencl" with option "bt2390" is not available [2024-01-30 13:00:55.541 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "overlay_opencl" with option "Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input" is not available [2024-01-30 13:00:55.613 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "overlay_vaapi" with option "Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input" is not available [2024-01-30 13:00:55.678 -06:00] [INF] Available hwaccel types: ["drm"] [2024-01-30 13:00:56.087 -06:00] [INF] FFmpeg: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg" [2024-01-30 13:00:56.093 -06:00] [INF] ServerId: "675edac608534a66ab173ba7f884a927" [2024-01-30 13:00:56.536 -06:00] [INF] Executed all pre-startup entry points in 0:00:00.4025842 [2024-01-30 13:00:56.536 -06:00] [INF] Core startup complete [2024-01-30 13:00:57.322 -06:00] [INF] Executed all post-startup entry points in 0:00:00.7851779 [2024-01-30 13:00:57.323 -06:00] [INF] Startup complete 0:00:17.347904 [2024-01-30 13:00:57.777 -06:00] [INF] "StartupTrigger" fired for task: "Update Plugins" [2024-01-30 13:00:57.781 -06:00] [INF] Queuing task "PluginUpdateTask" [2024-01-30 13:00:57.792 -06:00] [INF] Executing "Update Plugins" [2024-01-30 13:00:59.539 -06:00] [INF] "Update Plugins" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 1 seconds [2024-01-30 13:00:59.612 -06:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2024-01-30 13:02:08.757 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/System/Info/Public" to "" in 0:00:00.9201878 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:02:16.128 -06:00] [INF] Saving system configuration [2024-01-30 13:02:16.133 -06:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 13:02:16.142 -06:00] [INF] Stopping NAT discovery [2024-01-30 13:02:16.736 -06:00] [WRN] No users, creating one with username "jellyfin" [2024-01-30 13:02:21.806 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Startup/User" to "" in 0:00:05.1359983 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:02:34.769 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Libraries/AvailableOptions?IsNewLibrary=false" to "" in 0:00:00.6724499 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:03:48.497 -06:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "No such device or address : '/dev/log'". URL "GET" "/Environment/DirectoryContents". [2024-01-30 13:05:57.408 -06:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "No such device or address : '/dev/log'". URL "GET" "/Environment/DirectoryContents". [2024-01-30 13:06:04.719 -06:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "No such device or address : '/dev/log'". URL "GET" "/Environment/DirectoryContents". [2024-01-30 13:07:18.361 -06:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "No such device or address : '/dev/log'". URL "GET" "/Environment/DirectoryContents". [2024-01-30 13:17:51.518 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : "[,,]" [2024-01-30 13:17:51.519 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : "[]" [2024-01-30 13:17:51.519 -06:00] [INF] Using LAN addresses: "[,,]" [2024-01-30 13:19:52.737 -06:00] [INF] Saving system configuration [2024-01-30 13:19:52.757 -06:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 13:21:11.769 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Library/VirtualFolders?collectionType=movies&refreshLibrary=false&name=Movies" to "" in 0:00:02.1068628 with Status Code 204 [2024-01-30 13:22:09.904 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Library/VirtualFolders?collectionType=tvshows&refreshLibrary=false&name=TV%20Shows" to "" in 0:00:01.015239 with Status Code 204 [2024-01-30 13:23:00.321 -06:00] [INF] Saving system configuration [2024-01-30 13:23:00.323 -06:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 13:23:07.355 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : "[,,]" [2024-01-30 13:23:07.357 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : "[]" [2024-01-30 13:23:07.358 -06:00] [INF] Using LAN addresses: "[,,]" [2024-01-30 13:23:07.359 -06:00] [INF] Using bind addresses: "[]" [2024-01-30 13:23:07.359 -06:00] [INF] Using bind exclusions: "[]" [2024-01-30 13:23:09.532 -06:00] [INF] Saving system configuration [2024-01-30 13:23:09.535 -06:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 13:23:09.553 -06:00] [INF] Queuing task "RefreshMediaLibraryTask" [2024-01-30 13:23:09.554 -06:00] [INF] Executing "Scan Media Library" [2024-01-30 13:23:09.602 -06:00] [INF] Validating media library [2024-01-30 13:23:20.109 -06:00] [INF] Authentication request for "pi" has succeeded. [2024-01-30 13:23:20.160 -06:00] [INF] Current/Max sessions for user "pi": 0/0 [2024-01-30 13:23:21.006 -06:00] [INF] Creating new access token for user b0814cfb-ff7a-4e7e-97eb-2c01a84a45d3 [2024-01-30 13:23:24.156 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Users/authenticatebyname" to "" in 0:00:04.3537009 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:23:24.584 -06:00] [INF] WS "" request [2024-01-30 13:23:25.580 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"AccessSchedule"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:23:25.581 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ActivityLog"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:23:25.581 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"CustomItemDisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:23:25.581 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"DisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:23:25.581 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"HomeSection"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:23:25.581 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ImageInfo"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:23:25.582 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ItemDisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:23:25.582 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Permission"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:23:25.582 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Preference"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:23:25.582 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ApiKey"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:23:25.582 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Device"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:23:25.582 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"DeviceOptions"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:23:25.583 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"User"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:23:27.876 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/DisplayPreferences/usersettings?userId=b0814cfbff7a4e7e97eb2c01a84a45d3&client=emby" to "" in 0:00:03.3344351 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:23:29.654 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Users/b0814cfbff7a4e7e97eb2c01a84a45d3/Views" to "" in 0:00:00.947256 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:23:29.654 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Users/b0814cfbff7a4e7e97eb2c01a84a45d3/Views" to "" in 0:00:01.2654985 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:23:30.371 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/LiveTv/Programs/Recommended?userId=b0814cfbff7a4e7e97eb2c01a84a45d3&IsAiring=true&limit=1&ImageTypeLimit=1&EnableImageTypes=Primary%2CThumb%2CBackdrop&EnableTotalRecordCount=false&Fields=ChannelInfo%2CPrimaryImageAspectRatio" to "" in 0:00:00.5462517 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:23:31.359 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Users/b0814cfbff7a4e7e97eb2c01a84a45d3/Items/Latest?Limit=16&Fields=PrimaryImageAspectRatio%2CBasicSyncInfo%2CPath&ImageTypeLimit=1&EnableImageTypes=Primary%2CBackdrop%2CThumb&ParentId=767bffe4f11c93ef34b805451a696a4e" to "" in 0:00:00.659292 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:25:40.987 -06:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe" MediaBrowser.Common.FfmpegException: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null. at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken) [2024-01-30 13:25:41.319 -06:00] [INF] Skipping image extraction due to missing DefaultVideoStreamIndex for "/media/pi/Drobo/Media/TV Shows/South Park/Season 03/XM South Park Movie Bigger Longer And Uncut.mp4". [2024-01-30 13:26:15.582 -06:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe" MediaBrowser.Common.FfmpegException: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null. at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken) [2024-01-30 13:26:15.817 -06:00] [INF] Skipping image extraction due to missing DefaultVideoStreamIndex for "/media/pi/Drobo/Media/TV Shows/Start Up/Season 3/StartUp S03E04.mp4". [2024-01-30 13:26:26.457 -06:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe" MediaBrowser.Common.FfmpegException: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null. at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken) [2024-01-30 13:26:26.647 -06:00] [INF] Skipping image extraction due to missing DefaultVideoStreamIndex for "/media/pi/Drobo/Media/TV Shows/Start Up/Season 3/StartUp S03E08.mp4". [2024-01-30 13:27:27.601 -06:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe" MediaBrowser.Common.FfmpegException: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null. at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken) [2024-01-30 13:28:42.527 -06:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/a4097605525946b3b2faa607d5e71941.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:44.311 -06:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/a4097605525946b3b2faa607d5e71941.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:44.577 -06:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/4823b16757864f089071a10aa74af80b.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:45.952 -06:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/4823b16757864f089071a10aa74af80b.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:46.160 -06:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/32ae01036d904128917af984082c187d.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:47.965 -06:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/32ae01036d904128917af984082c187d.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:48.178 -06:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/c70a8cd90bef4a97a44feea5699e258c.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:49.825 -06:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/c70a8cd90bef4a97a44feea5699e258c.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:50.044 -06:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/2b02aac880ee462e9d2dfcfddb9ae2c5.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:51.806 -06:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/2b02aac880ee462e9d2dfcfddb9ae2c5.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:52.025 -06:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/f33099ff66ab47b0aeefbe8d33f61e4e.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:52.680 -06:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/f33099ff66ab47b0aeefbe8d33f61e4e.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:52.870 -06:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/d53464da65c542cbb469cd61fda18a49.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:54.234 -06:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/d53464da65c542cbb469cd61fda18a49.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:54.439 -06:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/818b86da2bd448d38938d8320c90efa7.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:56.604 -06:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/818b86da2bd448d38938d8320c90efa7.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:56.827 -06:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/bca71e6c465c4ccba06cfc2ac4d14185.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:58.184 -06:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/bca71e6c465c4ccba06cfc2ac4d14185.png" [2024-01-30 13:28:58.396 -06:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/e383045d0eb64701bd83f58328423997.png" [2024-01-30 13:29:00.114 -06:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/e383045d0eb64701bd83f58328423997.png" [2024-01-30 13:29:00.339 -06:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/f637f91c4e374992a27e642c56c97b28.png" [2024-01-30 13:29:01.223 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Items/73619b7ffdad9ce83ebc45f34f371774/Images/Backdrop?fillHeight=158&fillWidth=280&quality=96&tag=63dda58b2a4c5521c6f3ec7acbd655fb" to "" in 0:00:00.5699612 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:29:01.758 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Items/7be0c24349f27bf7d51332b94085c4aa/Images/Backdrop?fillHeight=158&fillWidth=280&quality=96&tag=bbc01bc47cb3d8614d420774ea08c1fb" to "" in 0:00:01.1009531 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:29:01.816 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Items/01ed17a0c2c4467826d2ae01d3bdea0e/Images/Backdrop?fillHeight=158&fillWidth=280&quality=96&tag=f1a461862649dcc95636741ba01a914d" to "" in 0:00:01.1900947 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:29:01.877 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Items/d7e8c64a70c545817230f563ba918692/Images/Backdrop?fillHeight=158&fillWidth=280&quality=96&tag=648b87b6463924930e3b79736b923a6c" to "" in 0:00:00.6142506 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:29:02.507 -06:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/f637f91c4e374992a27e642c56c97b28.png" [2024-01-30 13:29:03.266 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Items/2afedad1c80533d6c2a3225c6a27b5ba/Images/Primary?fillHeight=279&fillWidth=186&quality=96&tag=7b2fffef90769f0a06f39d3e123a2ef4" to "" in 0:00:00.5332124 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:29:03.589 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Items/4984d3df7392db44ec886239d4f666c5/Images/Primary?fillHeight=279&fillWidth=186&quality=96&tag=f8cda004eb3e546fadd0b28028bf1d9b" to "" in 0:00:00.6160538 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:29:03.665 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Items/08472fce0e2b3095ac0b9495774e828d/Images/Primary?fillHeight=279&fillWidth=186&quality=96&tag=d3dc5924b16f229b522347e93eb3fe4c" to "" in 0:00:00.9414312 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:29:03.778 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Items/b2cd158bb8de5ff0f98ae52c26a2891e/Images/Primary?fillHeight=279&fillWidth=186&quality=96&tag=b141bd2b59e77727bf54ccc972947d45" to "" in 0:00:00.8535592 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:29:03.796 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Items/b061ed84573ede89f540cedb3fefbf22/Images/Primary?fillHeight=279&fillWidth=186&quality=96&tag=32bb5511b641012903e9c8deedfc8156" to "" in 0:00:00.5291248 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:29:19.171 -06:00] [INF] Watching directory "/media/pi/Drobo/Media/Movies" [2024-01-30 13:29:19.166 -06:00] [INF] "Scan Media Library" Completed after 6 minute(s) and 9 seconds [2024-01-30 13:29:19.197 -06:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2024-01-30 13:29:19.373 -06:00] [INF] Watching directory "/media/pi/Drobo/Media/TV Shows" [2024-01-30 13:29:27.533 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/System/ActivityLog/Entries?startIndex=0&limit=7&minDate=2024-01-29T19%3A29%3A26.869Z&hasUserId=true" to "" in 0:00:00.5255551 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:40:55.158 -06:00] [INF] Received a SIGTERM signal, shutting down [2024-01-30 13:40:55.160 -06:00] [INF] Running query planner optimizations in the database... This might take a while [2024-01-30 13:40:55.208 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "CoreAppHost" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.211 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "MusicBrainzAlbumProvider" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.213 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "LibraryMonitorStartup" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.213 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "RecordingNotifier" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.219 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "DlnaEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.221 -06:00] [INF] Disposing PlayToManager [2024-01-30 13:40:55.224 -06:00] [INF] Disposing DeviceDiscovery [2024-01-30 13:40:55.227 -06:00] [INF] Disposing SsdpCommunicationsServer [2024-01-30 13:40:55.229 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing _BroadcastListenSocket [2024-01-30 13:40:55.235 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" Disposing 3 sendSockets [2024-01-30 13:40:55.235 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.235 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.237 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.238 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "SchedulesDirect" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.240 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "NotificationEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.244 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "UdpServerEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.246 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "UserDataChangeNotifier" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.248 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "EntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.249 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "EntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.250 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "DeviceAccessEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.250 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "LibraryChangedNotifier" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.256 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "ExternalPortForwarding" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.259 -06:00] [INF] Stopping NAT discovery [2024-01-30 13:40:55.259 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "EmbyTV" [2024-01-30 13:40:55.299 -06:00] [INF] WS "" closed [2024-01-30 13:40:56.896 -06:00] [INF] Jellyfin version: "10.8.13" [2024-01-30 13:40:56.999 -06:00] [INF] Environment Variables: ["[JELLYFIN_CACHE_DIR, /var/cache/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_ARGS, $JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT $JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT $JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT $JELLYFIN_SERVICE_OPT $JELLYFIN_NOWEBAPP_OPT $JELLFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS]", "[JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT, --restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/restart.sh]", "[JELLYFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS, ]", "[JELLYFIN_USER, jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_LOG_DIR, /var/log/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_DATA_DIR, /var/lib/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT, --webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web]", "[JELLYFIN_CONFIG_DIR, /etc/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT, --ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg]"] [2024-01-30 13:40:57.013 -06:00] [INF] Arguments: ["/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/jellyfin.dll", "--webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web", "--restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/restart.sh", "--ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg"] [2024-01-30 13:40:57.018 -06:00] [INF] Operating system: "Linux" [2024-01-30 13:40:57.018 -06:00] [INF] Architecture: Arm64 [2024-01-30 13:40:57.021 -06:00] [INF] 64-Bit Process: True [2024-01-30 13:40:57.022 -06:00] [INF] User Interactive: True [2024-01-30 13:40:57.022 -06:00] [INF] Processor count: 4 [2024-01-30 13:40:57.022 -06:00] [INF] Program data path: "/var/lib/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 13:40:57.023 -06:00] [INF] Web resources path: "/usr/share/jellyfin/web" [2024-01-30 13:40:57.024 -06:00] [INF] Application directory: "/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/" [2024-01-30 13:40:57.559 -06:00] [INF] Applying migration '"CreateNetworkConfiguration"' [2024-01-30 13:40:57.562 -06:00] [INF] Migration '"CreateNetworkConfiguration"' applied successfully [2024-01-30 13:40:57.712 -06:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 13:40:57.804 -06:00] [INF] Loading assemblies [2024-01-30 13:40:58.260 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : "[,,]" [2024-01-30 13:40:58.260 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : "[]" [2024-01-30 13:40:58.264 -06:00] [INF] Using LAN addresses: "[,,]" [2024-01-30 13:40:58.286 -06:00] [INF] Using bind addresses: "[]" [2024-01-30 13:40:58.286 -06:00] [INF] Using bind exclusions: "[]" [2024-01-30 13:41:07.523 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "TMDb" "" [2024-01-30 13:41:07.527 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "Studio Images" "" [2024-01-30 13:41:07.530 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "OMDb" "" [2024-01-30 13:41:07.531 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "MusicBrainz" "" [2024-01-30 13:41:07.533 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "AudioDB" "" [2024-01-30 13:41:07.815 -06:00] [INF] Kestrel listening on "Any IP4 Address" [2024-01-30 13:41:09.464 -06:00] [INF] Running startup tasks [2024-01-30 13:41:09.593 -06:00] [INF] Daily trigger for "Extract Chapter Images" set to fire at 2024-01-31 02:00:00.000 -06:00, which is 12:18:50.4068033 from now. [2024-01-30 13:41:09.907 -06:00] [INF] Found ffmpeg version "5.1.4" [2024-01-30 13:41:10.056 -06:00] [INF] Available "decoders": ["libdav1d", "av1", "h264", "hevc", "mpeg2video", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "vp8", "libvpx", "vp9", "libvpx-vp9", "aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "mp3", "truehd"] [2024-01-30 13:41:10.136 -06:00] [INF] Available "encoders": ["libx264", "h264_v4l2m2m", "libx265", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "libvpx", "libvpx-vp9", "aac", "libfdk_aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "libmp3lame", "libopus", "truehd", "libvorbis", "srt"] [2024-01-30 13:41:10.216 -06:00] [INF] Available filters: ["hwupload_vaapi", "zscale", "alphasrc"] [2024-01-30 13:41:10.292 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "scale_cuda" with option "Output format (default \"same\")" is not available [2024-01-30 13:41:10.370 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "tonemap_cuda" with option "GPU accelerated HDR to SDR tonemapping" is not available [2024-01-30 13:41:10.440 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "tonemap_opencl" with option "bt2390" is not available [2024-01-30 13:41:10.512 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "overlay_opencl" with option "Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input" is not available [2024-01-30 13:41:10.586 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "overlay_vaapi" with option "Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input" is not available [2024-01-30 13:41:10.660 -06:00] [INF] Available hwaccel types: ["drm"] [2024-01-30 13:41:11.106 -06:00] [INF] FFmpeg: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg" [2024-01-30 13:41:11.111 -06:00] [INF] ServerId: "675edac608534a66ab173ba7f884a927" [2024-01-30 13:41:11.380 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "" to "" in 0:00:00.9042959 with Status Code 503 [2024-01-30 13:41:11.380 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "" to "" in 0:00:00.9046544 with Status Code 503 [2024-01-30 13:41:11.380 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/system/info/public" to "" in 0:00:00.9040464 with Status Code 503 [2024-01-30 13:41:11.701 -06:00] [INF] Executed all pre-startup entry points in 0:00:00.54386 [2024-01-30 13:41:11.702 -06:00] [INF] Core startup complete [2024-01-30 13:41:12.575 -06:00] [INF] Watching directory "/media/pi/Drobo/Media/Movies" [2024-01-30 13:41:12.583 -06:00] [INF] Watching directory "/media/pi/Drobo/Media/TV Shows" [2024-01-30 13:41:12.596 -06:00] [INF] Executed all post-startup entry points in 0:00:00.893619 [2024-01-30 13:41:12.596 -06:00] [INF] Startup complete 0:00:16.3982327 [2024-01-30 13:41:12.685 -06:00] [INF] "StartupTrigger" fired for task: "Update Plugins" [2024-01-30 13:41:12.689 -06:00] [INF] Queuing task "PluginUpdateTask" [2024-01-30 13:41:12.703 -06:00] [INF] Executing "Update Plugins" [2024-01-30 13:41:13.058 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "" to "" in 0:00:01.5371221 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:41:14.727 -06:00] [INF] "Update Plugins" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 2 seconds [2024-01-30 13:41:14.743 -06:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2024-01-30 13:45:58.538 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : "[,,]" [2024-01-30 13:45:58.539 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : "[]" [2024-01-30 13:45:58.539 -06:00] [INF] Using LAN addresses: "[,,]" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.057 -06:00] [INF] Received a SIGTERM signal, shutting down [2024-01-30 13:46:47.064 -06:00] [INF] Running query planner optimizations in the database... This might take a while [2024-01-30 13:46:47.153 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "CoreAppHost" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.156 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "EntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.157 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "NotificationEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.162 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "DlnaEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.164 -06:00] [INF] Disposing PlayToManager [2024-01-30 13:46:47.167 -06:00] [INF] Disposing DeviceDiscovery [2024-01-30 13:46:47.170 -06:00] [INF] Disposing SsdpCommunicationsServer [2024-01-30 13:46:47.172 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing _BroadcastListenSocket [2024-01-30 13:46:47.178 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" Disposing 3 sendSockets [2024-01-30 13:46:47.179 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.179 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.180 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.180 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "MusicBrainzAlbumProvider" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.182 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "EntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.186 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "LibraryChangedNotifier" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.194 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "UserDataChangeNotifier" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.195 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "UdpServerEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.197 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "RecordingNotifier" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.202 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "ExternalPortForwarding" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.205 -06:00] [INF] Stopping NAT discovery [2024-01-30 13:46:47.218 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "LibraryMonitorStartup" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.218 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "EmbyTV" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.222 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "SchedulesDirect" [2024-01-30 13:46:47.223 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "DeviceAccessEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:46:48.859 -06:00] [INF] Jellyfin version: "10.8.13" [2024-01-30 13:46:48.961 -06:00] [INF] Environment Variables: ["[JELLYFIN_ARGS, $JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT $JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT $JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT $JELLYFIN_SERVICE_OPT $JELLYFIN_NOWEBAPP_OPT $JELLFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS]", "[JELLYFIN_CONFIG_DIR, /etc/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT, --restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/restart.sh]", "[JELLYFIN_LOG_DIR, /var/log/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT, --ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg]", "[JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT, --webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web]", "[JELLYFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS, ]", "[JELLYFIN_CACHE_DIR, /var/cache/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_USER, jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_DATA_DIR, /var/lib/jellyfin]"] [2024-01-30 13:46:48.975 -06:00] [INF] Arguments: ["/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/jellyfin.dll", "--webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web", "--restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/restart.sh", "--ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg"] [2024-01-30 13:46:48.980 -06:00] [INF] Operating system: "Linux" [2024-01-30 13:46:48.980 -06:00] [INF] Architecture: Arm64 [2024-01-30 13:46:48.984 -06:00] [INF] 64-Bit Process: True [2024-01-30 13:46:48.984 -06:00] [INF] User Interactive: True [2024-01-30 13:46:48.984 -06:00] [INF] Processor count: 4 [2024-01-30 13:46:48.984 -06:00] [INF] Program data path: "/var/lib/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 13:46:48.985 -06:00] [INF] Web resources path: "/usr/share/jellyfin/web" [2024-01-30 13:46:48.986 -06:00] [INF] Application directory: "/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/" [2024-01-30 13:46:49.619 -06:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 13:46:49.690 -06:00] [INF] Loading assemblies [2024-01-30 13:46:50.104 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : "[,,]" [2024-01-30 13:46:50.104 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : "[]" [2024-01-30 13:46:50.108 -06:00] [INF] Using LAN addresses: "[,,]" [2024-01-30 13:46:50.130 -06:00] [INF] Using bind addresses: "[]" [2024-01-30 13:46:50.130 -06:00] [INF] Using bind exclusions: "[]" [2024-01-30 13:46:58.814 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "TMDb" "" [2024-01-30 13:46:58.818 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "Studio Images" "" [2024-01-30 13:46:58.821 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "OMDb" "" [2024-01-30 13:46:58.823 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "MusicBrainz" "" [2024-01-30 13:46:58.824 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "AudioDB" "" [2024-01-30 13:46:59.097 -06:00] [INF] Kestrel listening on "Any IP4 Address" [2024-01-30 13:47:01.099 -06:00] [INF] Running startup tasks [2024-01-30 13:47:01.338 -06:00] [INF] Daily trigger for "Extract Chapter Images" set to fire at 2024-01-31 02:00:00.000 -06:00, which is 12:12:58.6616966 from now. [2024-01-30 13:47:01.630 -06:00] [INF] Found ffmpeg version "5.1.4" [2024-01-30 13:47:01.788 -06:00] [INF] Available "decoders": ["libdav1d", "av1", "h264", "hevc", "mpeg2video", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "vp8", "libvpx", "vp9", "libvpx-vp9", "aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "mp3", "truehd"] [2024-01-30 13:47:01.874 -06:00] [INF] Available "encoders": ["libx264", "h264_v4l2m2m", "libx265", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "libvpx", "libvpx-vp9", "aac", "libfdk_aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "libmp3lame", "libopus", "truehd", "libvorbis", "srt"] [2024-01-30 13:47:01.967 -06:00] [INF] Available filters: ["hwupload_vaapi", "zscale", "alphasrc"] [2024-01-30 13:47:02.049 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "scale_cuda" with option "Output format (default \"same\")" is not available [2024-01-30 13:47:02.130 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "tonemap_cuda" with option "GPU accelerated HDR to SDR tonemapping" is not available [2024-01-30 13:47:02.200 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "tonemap_opencl" with option "bt2390" is not available [2024-01-30 13:47:02.270 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "overlay_opencl" with option "Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input" is not available [2024-01-30 13:47:02.341 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "overlay_vaapi" with option "Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input" is not available [2024-01-30 13:47:02.409 -06:00] [INF] Available hwaccel types: ["drm"] [2024-01-30 13:47:02.880 -06:00] [INF] FFmpeg: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg" [2024-01-30 13:47:02.889 -06:00] [INF] ServerId: "675edac608534a66ab173ba7f884a927" [2024-01-30 13:47:03.045 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "" to "" in 0:00:01.0062294 with Status Code 503 [2024-01-30 13:47:03.043 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "" to "" in 0:00:00.9998134 with Status Code 503 [2024-01-30 13:47:03.042 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/system/info/public" to "" in 0:00:00.9977262 with Status Code 503 [2024-01-30 13:47:03.668 -06:00] [INF] Executed all pre-startup entry points in 0:00:00.7050634 [2024-01-30 13:47:03.671 -06:00] [INF] Core startup complete [2024-01-30 13:47:04.429 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "" to "" in 0:00:01.232751 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:47:04.431 -06:00] [INF] "StartupTrigger" fired for task: "Update Plugins" [2024-01-30 13:47:04.439 -06:00] [INF] Queuing task "PluginUpdateTask" [2024-01-30 13:47:04.458 -06:00] [INF] Executing "Update Plugins" [2024-01-30 13:47:04.751 -06:00] [INF] Watching directory "/media/pi/Drobo/Media/Movies" [2024-01-30 13:47:04.775 -06:00] [INF] Watching directory "/media/pi/Drobo/Media/TV Shows" [2024-01-30 13:47:04.787 -06:00] [INF] Executed all post-startup entry points in 0:00:01.1147872 [2024-01-30 13:47:04.788 -06:00] [INF] Startup complete 0:00:16.5719941 [2024-01-30 13:47:06.444 -06:00] [INF] "Update Plugins" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 1 seconds [2024-01-30 13:47:06.462 -06:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2024-01-30 13:47:14.461 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "" to "" in 0:00:00.7054596 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:47:37.870 -06:00] [INF] Received a SIGTERM signal, shutting down [2024-01-30 13:47:37.888 -06:00] [INF] Running query planner optimizations in the database... This might take a while [2024-01-30 13:47:38.080 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "CoreAppHost" [2024-01-30 13:47:38.085 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "MusicBrainzAlbumProvider" [2024-01-30 13:47:38.087 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "RecordingNotifier" [2024-01-30 13:47:38.095 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "EmbyTV" [2024-01-30 13:47:38.105 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "DlnaEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:47:38.108 -06:00] [INF] Disposing PlayToManager [2024-01-30 13:47:38.117 -06:00] [INF] Disposing DeviceDiscovery [2024-01-30 13:47:38.124 -06:00] [INF] Disposing SsdpCommunicationsServer [2024-01-30 13:47:38.128 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing _BroadcastListenSocket [2024-01-30 13:47:38.142 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" Disposing 3 sendSockets [2024-01-30 13:47:38.143 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2024-01-30 13:47:38.144 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2024-01-30 13:47:38.146 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2024-01-30 13:47:38.147 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "ExternalPortForwarding" [2024-01-30 13:47:38.156 -06:00] [INF] Stopping NAT discovery [2024-01-30 13:47:38.179 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "LibraryChangedNotifier" [2024-01-30 13:47:38.200 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "UserDataChangeNotifier" [2024-01-30 13:47:38.203 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "SchedulesDirect" [2024-01-30 13:47:38.206 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "UdpServerEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:47:38.235 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "EntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:47:38.263 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "NotificationEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:47:38.280 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "DeviceAccessEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:47:38.292 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "EntryPoint" [2024-01-30 13:47:38.294 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "LibraryMonitorStartup" [2024-01-30 13:47:58.757 -06:00] [INF] Jellyfin version: "10.8.13" [2024-01-30 13:47:58.996 -06:00] [INF] Environment Variables: ["[JELLYFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS, ]", "[JELLYFIN_DATA_DIR, /var/lib/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT, --ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg]", "[JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT, --restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/restart.sh]", "[JELLYFIN_CONFIG_DIR, /etc/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_USER, jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_LOG_DIR, /var/log/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_CACHE_DIR, /var/cache/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_ARGS, $JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT $JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT $JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT $JELLYFIN_SERVICE_OPT $JELLYFIN_NOWEBAPP_OPT $JELLFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS]", "[JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT, --webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web]"] [2024-01-30 13:47:59.010 -06:00] [INF] Arguments: ["/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/jellyfin.dll", "--webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web", "--restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/restart.sh", "--ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg"] [2024-01-30 13:47:59.016 -06:00] [INF] Operating system: "Linux" [2024-01-30 13:47:59.016 -06:00] [INF] Architecture: Arm64 [2024-01-30 13:47:59.022 -06:00] [INF] 64-Bit Process: True [2024-01-30 13:47:59.022 -06:00] [INF] User Interactive: True [2024-01-30 13:47:59.023 -06:00] [INF] Processor count: 4 [2024-01-30 13:47:59.023 -06:00] [INF] Program data path: "/var/lib/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 13:47:59.024 -06:00] [INF] Web resources path: "/usr/share/jellyfin/web" [2024-01-30 13:47:59.024 -06:00] [INF] Application directory: "/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/" [2024-01-30 13:48:00.264 -06:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 13:48:00.540 -06:00] [INF] Loading assemblies [2024-01-30 13:48:01.630 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : "[,,]" [2024-01-30 13:48:01.631 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : "[]" [2024-01-30 13:48:01.636 -06:00] [INF] Using LAN addresses: "[,,]" [2024-01-30 13:48:01.662 -06:00] [INF] Using bind addresses: "[]" [2024-01-30 13:48:01.663 -06:00] [INF] Using bind exclusions: "[]" [2024-01-30 13:48:47.229 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "TMDb" "" [2024-01-30 13:48:47.237 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "Studio Images" "" [2024-01-30 13:48:47.244 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "OMDb" "" [2024-01-30 13:48:47.287 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "MusicBrainz" "" [2024-01-30 13:48:47.292 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "AudioDB" "" [2024-01-30 13:48:47.898 -06:00] [INF] Kestrel listening on "Any IP4 Address" [2024-01-30 13:48:51.607 -06:00] [INF] Running startup tasks [2024-01-30 13:48:51.845 -06:00] [INF] Daily trigger for "Extract Chapter Images" set to fire at 2024-01-31 02:00:00.000 -06:00, which is 12:11:08.1552468 from now. [2024-01-30 13:48:52.699 -06:00] [INF] Found ffmpeg version "5.1.4" [2024-01-30 13:48:53.019 -06:00] [INF] Available "decoders": ["libdav1d", "av1", "h264", "hevc", "mpeg2video", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "vp8", "libvpx", "vp9", "libvpx-vp9", "aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "mp3", "truehd"] [2024-01-30 13:48:53.123 -06:00] [INF] Available "encoders": ["libx264", "h264_v4l2m2m", "libx265", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "libvpx", "libvpx-vp9", "aac", "libfdk_aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "libmp3lame", "libopus", "truehd", "libvorbis", "srt"] [2024-01-30 13:48:53.242 -06:00] [INF] Available filters: ["hwupload_vaapi", "zscale", "alphasrc"] [2024-01-30 13:48:53.343 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "scale_cuda" with option "Output format (default \"same\")" is not available [2024-01-30 13:48:53.450 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "tonemap_cuda" with option "GPU accelerated HDR to SDR tonemapping" is not available [2024-01-30 13:48:53.636 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "tonemap_opencl" with option "bt2390" is not available [2024-01-30 13:48:53.804 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "overlay_opencl" with option "Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input" is not available [2024-01-30 13:48:54.023 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "overlay_vaapi" with option "Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input" is not available [2024-01-30 13:48:54.118 -06:00] [INF] Available hwaccel types: ["drm"] [2024-01-30 13:48:55.032 -06:00] [INF] "StartupTrigger" fired for task: "Update Plugins" [2024-01-30 13:48:55.052 -06:00] [INF] Queuing task "PluginUpdateTask" [2024-01-30 13:48:55.095 -06:00] [INF] Executing "Update Plugins" [2024-01-30 13:48:55.110 -06:00] [INF] FFmpeg: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg" [2024-01-30 13:48:55.124 -06:00] [INF] ServerId: "675edac608534a66ab173ba7f884a927" [2024-01-30 13:48:56.575 -06:00] [INF] Executed all pre-startup entry points in 0:00:01.3575627 [2024-01-30 13:48:56.593 -06:00] [INF] Core startup complete [2024-01-30 13:48:58.328 -06:00] [INF] Skipping realtime monitor for "/media/pi/Drobo/Media/Movies" because the path does not exist [2024-01-30 13:48:58.328 -06:00] [INF] Skipping realtime monitor for "/media/pi/Drobo/Media/TV Shows" because the path does not exist [2024-01-30 13:48:58.401 -06:00] [INF] Executed all post-startup entry points in 0:00:01.8073824 [2024-01-30 13:48:58.402 -06:00] [INF] Startup complete 0:00:27.4201951 [2024-01-30 13:48:59.291 -06:00] [INF] "Update Plugins" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 4 seconds [2024-01-30 13:48:59.351 -06:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2024-01-30 13:51:41.632 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/System/Info/Public" to "" in 0:00:01.8640067 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:51:45.828 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/System/Info" to "" in 0:00:02.8273394 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:51:46.153 -06:00] [INF] WS "" request [2024-01-30 13:51:47.172 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"AccessSchedule"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:51:47.181 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ActivityLog"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:51:47.182 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"CustomItemDisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:51:47.183 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"DisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:51:47.185 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"HomeSection"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:51:47.188 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ImageInfo"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:51:47.190 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ItemDisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:51:47.194 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Permission"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:51:47.199 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Preference"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:51:47.204 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ApiKey"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:51:47.206 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Device"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:51:47.209 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"DeviceOptions"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:51:47.211 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"User"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 13:51:47.493 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Users/b0814cfbff7a4e7e97eb2c01a84a45d3" to "" in 0:00:01.4322486 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:51:48.114 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Sessions/Capabilities/Full" to "" in 0:00:02.1087494 with Status Code 204 [2024-01-30 13:51:48.906 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/DisplayPreferences/usersettings?userId=b0814cfbff7a4e7e97eb2c01a84a45d3&client=emby" to "" in 0:00:02.8403965 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:51:52.473 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Users/b0814cfbff7a4e7e97eb2c01a84a45d3/Views" to "" in 0:00:01.6837144 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:51:52.474 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Users/b0814cfbff7a4e7e97eb2c01a84a45d3/Views" to "" in 0:00:00.8338195 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:51:54.595 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Users/b0814cfbff7a4e7e97eb2c01a84a45d3/Items/Latest?Limit=16&Fields=PrimaryImageAspectRatio%2CBasicSyncInfo%2CPath&ImageTypeLimit=1&EnableImageTypes=Primary%2CBackdrop%2CThumb&ParentId=767bffe4f11c93ef34b805451a696a4e" to "" in 0:00:01.1241291 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:51:54.600 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Users/b0814cfbff7a4e7e97eb2c01a84a45d3/Items/Latest?Limit=16&Fields=PrimaryImageAspectRatio%2CBasicSyncInfo%2CPath&ImageTypeLimit=1&EnableImageTypes=Primary%2CBackdrop%2CThumb&ParentId=f137a2dd21bbc1b99aa5c0f6bf02a805" to "" in 0:00:01.0588 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 13:51:54.653 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Shows/NextUp?Limit=24&Fields=PrimaryImageAspectRatio%2CDateCreated%2CBasicSyncInfo%2CPath%2CMediaSourceCount&UserId=b0814cfbff7a4e7e97eb2c01a84a45d3&ImageTypeLimit=1&EnableImageTypes=Primary%2CBackdrop%2CBanner%2CThumb&EnableTotalRecordCount=false&DisableFirstEpisode=false&NextUpDateCutoff=2023-01-30T19%3A51%3A53.139Z&EnableRewatching=false" to "" in 0:00:01.1773582 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 14:06:54.172 -06:00] [INF] Received a SIGTERM signal, shutting down [2024-01-30 14:06:54.180 -06:00] [INF] Running query planner optimizations in the database... This might take a while [2024-01-30 14:06:54.223 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "CoreAppHost" [2024-01-30 14:06:54.226 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "DlnaEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 14:06:54.228 -06:00] [INF] Disposing PlayToManager [2024-01-30 14:06:54.232 -06:00] [INF] Disposing DeviceDiscovery [2024-01-30 14:06:54.235 -06:00] [INF] Disposing SsdpCommunicationsServer [2024-01-30 14:06:54.236 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing _BroadcastListenSocket [2024-01-30 14:06:54.242 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" Disposing 3 sendSockets [2024-01-30 14:06:54.243 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2024-01-30 14:06:54.243 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2024-01-30 14:06:54.243 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2024-01-30 14:06:54.247 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "DeviceAccessEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 14:06:54.248 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "UdpServerEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 14:06:54.249 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "SchedulesDirect" [2024-01-30 14:06:54.250 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "UserDataChangeNotifier" [2024-01-30 14:06:54.252 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "EntryPoint" [2024-01-30 14:06:54.253 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "LibraryMonitorStartup" [2024-01-30 14:06:54.254 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "EmbyTV" [2024-01-30 14:06:54.258 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "ExternalPortForwarding" [2024-01-30 14:06:54.261 -06:00] [INF] Stopping NAT discovery [2024-01-30 14:06:54.273 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "EntryPoint" [2024-01-30 14:06:54.274 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "NotificationEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 14:06:54.279 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "LibraryChangedNotifier" [2024-01-30 14:06:54.286 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "MusicBrainzAlbumProvider" [2024-01-30 14:06:54.287 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "RecordingNotifier" [2024-01-30 14:06:55.751 -06:00] [INF] Jellyfin version: "10.8.13" [2024-01-30 14:06:55.868 -06:00] [INF] Environment Variables: ["[JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT, --restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/restart.sh]", "[JELLYFIN_LOG_DIR, /var/log/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_USER, jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT, --webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web]", "[JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT, --ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg]", "[JELLYFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS, ]", "[JELLYFIN_ARGS, $JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT $JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT $JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT $JELLYFIN_SERVICE_OPT $JELLYFIN_NOWEBAPP_OPT $JELLFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS]", "[JELLYFIN_CACHE_DIR, /var/cache/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_DATA_DIR, /var/lib/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_CONFIG_DIR, /etc/jellyfin]"] [2024-01-30 14:06:55.882 -06:00] [INF] Arguments: ["/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/jellyfin.dll", "--webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web", "--restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/restart.sh", "--ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg"] [2024-01-30 14:06:55.886 -06:00] [INF] Operating system: "Linux" [2024-01-30 14:06:55.886 -06:00] [INF] Architecture: Arm64 [2024-01-30 14:06:55.890 -06:00] [INF] 64-Bit Process: True [2024-01-30 14:06:55.890 -06:00] [INF] User Interactive: True [2024-01-30 14:06:55.890 -06:00] [INF] Processor count: 4 [2024-01-30 14:06:55.891 -06:00] [INF] Program data path: "/var/lib/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 14:06:55.891 -06:00] [INF] Web resources path: "/usr/share/jellyfin/web" [2024-01-30 14:06:55.892 -06:00] [INF] Application directory: "/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/" [2024-01-30 14:06:56.530 -06:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 14:06:56.603 -06:00] [INF] Loading assemblies [2024-01-30 14:06:57.028 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : "[,,]" [2024-01-30 14:06:57.028 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : "[]" [2024-01-30 14:06:57.032 -06:00] [INF] Using LAN addresses: "[,,]" [2024-01-30 14:06:57.054 -06:00] [INF] Using bind addresses: "[]" [2024-01-30 14:06:57.054 -06:00] [INF] Using bind exclusions: "[]" [2024-01-30 14:07:05.997 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "TMDb" "" [2024-01-30 14:07:06.001 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "Studio Images" "" [2024-01-30 14:07:06.003 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "OMDb" "" [2024-01-30 14:07:06.005 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "MusicBrainz" "" [2024-01-30 14:07:06.007 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "AudioDB" "" [2024-01-30 14:07:06.291 -06:00] [INF] Kestrel listening on "Any IP4 Address" [2024-01-30 14:07:07.823 -06:00] [INF] Running startup tasks [2024-01-30 14:07:07.953 -06:00] [INF] Daily trigger for "Extract Chapter Images" set to fire at 2024-01-31 02:00:00.000 -06:00, which is 11:52:52.0471457 from now. [2024-01-30 14:07:08.308 -06:00] [INF] Found ffmpeg version "5.1.4" [2024-01-30 14:07:08.459 -06:00] [INF] Available "decoders": ["libdav1d", "av1", "h264", "hevc", "mpeg2video", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "vp8", "libvpx", "vp9", "libvpx-vp9", "aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "mp3", "truehd"] [2024-01-30 14:07:08.541 -06:00] [INF] Available "encoders": ["libx264", "h264_v4l2m2m", "libx265", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "libvpx", "libvpx-vp9", "aac", "libfdk_aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "libmp3lame", "libopus", "truehd", "libvorbis", "srt"] [2024-01-30 14:07:08.619 -06:00] [INF] Available filters: ["hwupload_vaapi", "zscale", "alphasrc"] [2024-01-30 14:07:08.691 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "scale_cuda" with option "Output format (default \"same\")" is not available [2024-01-30 14:07:08.767 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "tonemap_cuda" with option "GPU accelerated HDR to SDR tonemapping" is not available [2024-01-30 14:07:08.837 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "tonemap_opencl" with option "bt2390" is not available [2024-01-30 14:07:08.910 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "overlay_opencl" with option "Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input" is not available [2024-01-30 14:07:08.987 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "overlay_vaapi" with option "Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input" is not available [2024-01-30 14:07:09.057 -06:00] [INF] Available hwaccel types: ["drm"] [2024-01-30 14:07:09.479 -06:00] [INF] FFmpeg: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg" [2024-01-30 14:07:09.483 -06:00] [INF] ServerId: "675edac608534a66ab173ba7f884a927" [2024-01-30 14:07:09.896 -06:00] [INF] Executed all pre-startup entry points in 0:00:00.3776804 [2024-01-30 14:07:09.896 -06:00] [INF] Core startup complete [2024-01-30 14:07:10.658 -06:00] [INF] Executed all post-startup entry points in 0:00:00.7616913 [2024-01-30 14:07:10.659 -06:00] [INF] Startup complete 0:00:15.5564499 [2024-01-30 14:07:11.049 -06:00] [INF] "StartupTrigger" fired for task: "Update Plugins" [2024-01-30 14:07:11.053 -06:00] [INF] Queuing task "PluginUpdateTask" [2024-01-30 14:07:11.065 -06:00] [INF] Executing "Update Plugins" [2024-01-30 14:07:12.917 -06:00] [INF] "Update Plugins" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 1 seconds [2024-01-30 14:07:12.954 -06:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2024-01-30 14:07:22.554 -06:00] [INF] Watching directory "/media/pi/Drobo/Media/Movies" [2024-01-30 14:07:23.903 -06:00] [INF] Watching directory "/media/pi/Drobo/Media/TV Shows" [2024-01-30 14:08:14.453 -06:00] [INF] WS "" request [2024-01-30 14:08:14.474 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/socket?api_key=a8fc7b484e4d451fa20b5885ca28d77c&deviceId=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFgxMTsgVWJ1bnR1OyBMaW51eCBhYXJjaDY0OyBydjoxMDkuMCkgR2Vja28vMjAxMDAxMDEgRmlyZWZveC8xMTguMHwxNzA2NjQxMzI3MjU2" to "" in 0:00:02.2592617 with Status Code 101 [2024-01-30 14:09:03.553 -06:00] [INF] Sending ForceKeepAlive message to 1 inactive WebSockets. [2024-01-30 14:09:15.560 -06:00] [INF] Lost 1 WebSockets. [2024-01-30 14:13:51.875 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : "[,,]" [2024-01-30 14:13:51.875 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : "[]" [2024-01-30 14:13:51.875 -06:00] [INF] Using LAN addresses: "[,,]" [2024-01-30 14:18:30.923 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : "[,,]" [2024-01-30 14:18:30.924 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : "[]" [2024-01-30 14:18:30.924 -06:00] [INF] Using LAN addresses: "[,,]" [2024-01-30 14:44:54.928 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : "[,,]" [2024-01-30 14:44:54.928 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : "[]" [2024-01-30 14:44:54.928 -06:00] [INF] Using LAN addresses: "[,,]" [2024-01-30 14:45:28.652 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/ScheduledTasks" to "" in 0:00:00.5859572 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 14:45:28.661 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/System/Info" to "" in 0:00:00.5584369 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 14:45:28.885 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/System/ActivityLog/Entries?startIndex=0&limit=4&minDate=2024-01-23T20%3A45%3A27.908Z&hasUserId=false" to "" in 0:00:00.7454621 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 14:45:28.904 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/System/ActivityLog/Entries?startIndex=0&limit=7&minDate=2024-01-29T20%3A45%3A27.905Z&hasUserId=true" to "" in 0:00:00.7406849 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 14:45:29.014 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/LiveTv/Recordings?UserId=b0814cfbff7a4e7e97eb2c01a84a45d3&IsInProgress=true&Fields=CanDelete%2CPrimaryImageAspectRatio&EnableTotalRecordCount=false&EnableImageTypes=Primary%2CThumb%2CBackdrop" to "" in 0:00:00.7860538 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 14:45:29.023 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Sessions?ActiveWithinSeconds=960" to "" in 0:00:00.9783214 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 14:45:44.657 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/users" to "" in 0:00:00.6635444 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 15:07:07.945 -06:00] [INF] "IntervalTrigger" fired for task: "Download missing subtitles" [2024-01-30 15:07:07.946 -06:00] [INF] Queuing task "SubtitleScheduledTask" [2024-01-30 15:07:07.947 -06:00] [INF] Executing "Download missing subtitles" [2024-01-30 15:07:07.957 -06:00] [INF] "IntervalTrigger" fired for task: "Clean Log Directory" [2024-01-30 15:07:07.957 -06:00] [INF] "IntervalTrigger" fired for task: "Clean Transcode Directory" [2024-01-30 15:07:07.957 -06:00] [INF] "IntervalTrigger" fired for task: "Clean Cache Directory" [2024-01-30 15:07:07.958 -06:00] [INF] Queuing task "DeleteLogFileTask" [2024-01-30 15:07:07.959 -06:00] [INF] Queuing task "DeleteCacheFileTask" [2024-01-30 15:07:07.959 -06:00] [INF] Executing "Clean Log Directory" [2024-01-30 15:07:07.959 -06:00] [INF] Executing "Clean Cache Directory" [2024-01-30 15:07:07.958 -06:00] [INF] Queuing task "DeleteTranscodeFileTask" [2024-01-30 15:07:07.960 -06:00] [INF] Executing "Clean Transcode Directory" [2024-01-30 15:07:07.970 -06:00] [INF] "Clean Log Directory" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2024-01-30 15:07:07.971 -06:00] [INF] "Clean Transcode Directory" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2024-01-30 15:07:07.977 -06:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2024-01-30 15:07:07.977 -06:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2024-01-30 15:07:08.094 -06:00] [INF] "IntervalTrigger" fired for task: "Refresh People" [2024-01-30 15:07:08.094 -06:00] [INF] Queuing task "PeopleValidationTask" [2024-01-30 15:07:08.094 -06:00] [INF] "IntervalTrigger" fired for task: "Optimize database" [2024-01-30 15:07:08.095 -06:00] [INF] Queuing task "OptimizeDatabaseTask" [2024-01-30 15:07:08.095 -06:00] [INF] Executing "Refresh People" [2024-01-30 15:07:08.095 -06:00] [INF] "IntervalTrigger" fired for task: "Refresh Guide" [2024-01-30 15:07:08.095 -06:00] [INF] Queuing task "RefreshGuideScheduledTask" [2024-01-30 15:07:08.095 -06:00] [INF] Executing "Refresh Guide" [2024-01-30 15:07:08.100 -06:00] [INF] "Download missing subtitles" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2024-01-30 15:07:08.102 -06:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2024-01-30 15:07:08.159 -06:00] [INF] Executing "Optimize database" [2024-01-30 15:07:08.162 -06:00] [INF] Optimizing and vacuuming jellyfin.db... [2024-01-30 15:07:08.164 -06:00] [INF] "IntervalTrigger" fired for task: "TasksRefreshChannels" [2024-01-30 15:07:08.166 -06:00] [INF] Queuing task "RefreshChannelsScheduledTask" [2024-01-30 15:07:08.169 -06:00] [INF] Executing "TasksRefreshChannels" [2024-01-30 15:07:08.194 -06:00] [INF] "Clean Cache Directory" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2024-01-30 15:07:08.195 -06:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2024-01-30 15:07:08.273 -06:00] [INF] "TasksRefreshChannels" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2024-01-30 15:07:08.276 -06:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2024-01-30 15:07:08.335 -06:00] [INF] jellyfin.db optimized successfully! [2024-01-30 15:07:08.336 -06:00] [INF] "Optimize database" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2024-01-30 15:07:08.337 -06:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2024-01-30 15:07:11.547 -06:00] [INF] Refreshing guide with 7 days of guide data [2024-01-30 15:07:11.634 -06:00] [INF] "Refresh Guide" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 3 seconds [2024-01-30 15:07:11.635 -06:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2024-01-30 15:08:20.362 -06:00] [INF] People validation complete [2024-01-30 15:08:20.362 -06:00] [INF] "Refresh People" Completed after 1 minute(s) and 12 seconds [2024-01-30 15:08:20.364 -06:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2024-01-30 15:10:48.629 -06:00] [INF] Received a SIGTERM signal, shutting down [2024-01-30 15:10:48.633 -06:00] [INF] Running query planner optimizations in the database... This might take a while [2024-01-30 15:10:48.654 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "CoreAppHost" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.658 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "MusicBrainzAlbumProvider" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.659 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "RecordingNotifier" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.664 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "EmbyTV" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.669 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "DlnaEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.671 -06:00] [INF] Disposing PlayToManager [2024-01-30 15:10:48.674 -06:00] [INF] Disposing DeviceDiscovery [2024-01-30 15:10:48.678 -06:00] [INF] Disposing SsdpCommunicationsServer [2024-01-30 15:10:48.680 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing _BroadcastListenSocket [2024-01-30 15:10:48.685 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" Disposing 3 sendSockets [2024-01-30 15:10:48.685 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.685 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.686 -06:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.686 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "ExternalPortForwarding" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.689 -06:00] [INF] Stopping NAT discovery [2024-01-30 15:10:48.703 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "LibraryChangedNotifier" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.710 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "UserDataChangeNotifier" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.713 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "SchedulesDirect" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.714 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "UdpServerEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.715 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "EntryPoint" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.716 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "NotificationEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.720 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "DeviceAccessEntryPoint" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.720 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "EntryPoint" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.721 -06:00] [INF] Disposing "LibraryMonitorStartup" [2024-01-30 15:10:48.755 -06:00] [INF] WS "" closed [2024-01-30 15:10:50.381 -06:00] [INF] Jellyfin version: "10.8.13" [2024-01-30 15:10:50.500 -06:00] [INF] Environment Variables: ["[JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT, --ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg]", "[JELLYFIN_CONFIG_DIR, /etc/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_DATA_DIR, /var/lib/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT, --webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web]", "[JELLYFIN_CACHE_DIR, /var/cache/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT, --restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/restart.sh]", "[JELLYFIN_LOG_DIR, /var/log/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_ARGS, $JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT $JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT $JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT $JELLYFIN_SERVICE_OPT $JELLYFIN_NOWEBAPP_OPT $JELLFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS]", "[JELLYFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS, ]", "[JELLYFIN_USER, jellyfin]"] [2024-01-30 15:10:50.513 -06:00] [INF] Arguments: ["/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/jellyfin.dll", "--webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web", "--restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/restart.sh", "--ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg"] [2024-01-30 15:10:50.518 -06:00] [INF] Operating system: "Linux" [2024-01-30 15:10:50.518 -06:00] [INF] Architecture: Arm64 [2024-01-30 15:10:50.522 -06:00] [INF] 64-Bit Process: True [2024-01-30 15:10:50.522 -06:00] [INF] User Interactive: True [2024-01-30 15:10:50.522 -06:00] [INF] Processor count: 4 [2024-01-30 15:10:50.522 -06:00] [INF] Program data path: "/var/lib/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 15:10:50.523 -06:00] [INF] Web resources path: "/usr/share/jellyfin/web" [2024-01-30 15:10:50.524 -06:00] [INF] Application directory: "/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/" [2024-01-30 15:10:51.203 -06:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2024-01-30 15:10:51.288 -06:00] [INF] Loading assemblies [2024-01-30 15:10:51.718 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : "[,,]" [2024-01-30 15:10:51.718 -06:00] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : "[]" [2024-01-30 15:10:51.722 -06:00] [INF] Using LAN addresses: "[,,]" [2024-01-30 15:10:51.748 -06:00] [INF] Using bind addresses: "[]" [2024-01-30 15:10:51.748 -06:00] [INF] Using bind exclusions: "[]" [2024-01-30 15:11:02.076 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "TMDb" "" [2024-01-30 15:11:02.080 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "Studio Images" "" [2024-01-30 15:11:02.083 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "OMDb" "" [2024-01-30 15:11:02.094 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "MusicBrainz" "" [2024-01-30 15:11:02.096 -06:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "AudioDB" "" [2024-01-30 15:11:02.380 -06:00] [INF] Kestrel listening on "Any IP4 Address" [2024-01-30 15:11:04.551 -06:00] [INF] Running startup tasks [2024-01-30 15:11:05.182 -06:00] [INF] Daily trigger for "Extract Chapter Images" set to fire at 2024-01-31 02:00:00.000 -06:00, which is 10:48:54.8180645 from now. [2024-01-30 15:11:05.650 -06:00] [INF] Found ffmpeg version "5.1.4" [2024-01-30 15:11:05.856 -06:00] [INF] Available "decoders": ["libdav1d", "av1", "h264", "hevc", "mpeg2video", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "vp8", "libvpx", "vp9", "libvpx-vp9", "aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "mp3", "truehd"] [2024-01-30 15:11:05.944 -06:00] [INF] Available "encoders": ["libx264", "h264_v4l2m2m", "libx265", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "libvpx", "libvpx-vp9", "aac", "libfdk_aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "libmp3lame", "libopus", "truehd", "libvorbis", "srt"] [2024-01-30 15:11:06.070 -06:00] [INF] Available filters: ["hwupload_vaapi", "zscale", "alphasrc"] [2024-01-30 15:11:06.214 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "scale_cuda" with option "Output format (default \"same\")" is not available [2024-01-30 15:11:06.363 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "tonemap_cuda" with option "GPU accelerated HDR to SDR tonemapping" is not available [2024-01-30 15:11:06.397 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "" to "" in 0:00:01.2545578 with Status Code 503 [2024-01-30 15:11:06.403 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "" to "" in 0:00:00.7154572 with Status Code 503 [2024-01-30 15:11:06.404 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/system/info/public" to "" in 0:00:00.7011436 with Status Code 503 [2024-01-30 15:11:06.391 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/system/info/public" to "" in 0:00:00.692475 with Status Code 503 [2024-01-30 15:11:06.390 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/system/info/public" to "" in 0:00:01.2494932 with Status Code 503 [2024-01-30 15:11:06.494 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "tonemap_opencl" with option "bt2390" is not available [2024-01-30 15:11:06.669 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "overlay_opencl" with option "Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input" is not available [2024-01-30 15:11:06.836 -06:00] [WRN] Filter: "overlay_vaapi" with option "Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input" is not available [2024-01-30 15:11:06.963 -06:00] [INF] Available hwaccel types: ["drm"] [2024-01-30 15:11:07.536 -06:00] [INF] FFmpeg: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg" [2024-01-30 15:11:07.549 -06:00] [INF] ServerId: "675edac608534a66ab173ba7f884a927" [2024-01-30 15:11:08.252 -06:00] [INF] "StartupTrigger" fired for task: "Update Plugins" [2024-01-30 15:11:08.262 -06:00] [INF] Queuing task "PluginUpdateTask" [2024-01-30 15:11:08.291 -06:00] [INF] Executing "Update Plugins" [2024-01-30 15:11:08.333 -06:00] [INF] Executed all pre-startup entry points in 0:00:00.7043821 [2024-01-30 15:11:08.334 -06:00] [INF] Core startup complete [2024-01-30 15:11:09.932 -06:00] [INF] Watching directory "/media/pi/Drobo/Media/Movies" [2024-01-30 15:11:09.958 -06:00] [INF] Watching directory "/media/pi/Drobo/Media/TV Shows" [2024-01-30 15:11:09.974 -06:00] [INF] Executed all post-startup entry points in 0:00:01.6387388 [2024-01-30 15:11:09.975 -06:00] [INF] Startup complete 0:00:20.3474692 [2024-01-30 15:11:11.258 -06:00] [INF] "Update Plugins" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 2 seconds [2024-01-30 15:11:11.341 -06:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2024-01-30 15:11:15.759 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/System/Info" to "" in 0:00:02.6377575 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 15:11:16.008 -06:00] [INF] WS "" request [2024-01-30 15:11:16.981 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Users/b0814cfbff7a4e7e97eb2c01a84a45d3" to "" in 0:00:01.0486719 with Status Code 200 [2024-01-30 15:11:17.199 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"AccessSchedule"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 15:11:17.200 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ActivityLog"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 15:11:17.200 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"CustomItemDisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 15:11:17.200 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"DisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 15:11:17.200 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"HomeSection"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 15:11:17.201 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ImageInfo"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 15:11:17.201 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ItemDisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 15:11:17.201 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Permission"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 15:11:17.201 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Preference"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 15:11:17.202 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ApiKey"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 15:11:17.202 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Device"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 15:11:17.202 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"DeviceOptions"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 15:11:17.203 -06:00] [WRN] The entity type '"User"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2024-01-30 15:11:17.937 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/Sessions/Capabilities/Full" to "" in 0:00:02.0486195 with Status Code 204 [2024-01-30 15:11:18.797 -06:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "http://localhost:8096/DisplayPreferences/usersettings?userId=b0814cfbff7a4e7e97eb2c01a84a45d3&client=emby" to "" in 0:00:02.8113294 with Status Code 200